What does Capable mean to you?
Maybe you want to run freely, pull your body weight up to a bar, compete at a national or international level in your sport. Spoiler… It’s all done with the same body.
We expose our body to the stress we wish it to overcome. We do resistance training to gain muscle tissue, we run, sprint, jump to become better athletes. Everything in line with how the body is designed to move, allowing for a sustainable practice, that will last long enough to see lasting change.
No point doing something with huge intensity if you get injured every few weeks.
I learned this the hard way a few times and came out the other side not broken, fortunately. It was close though.
I use the physical, nutritional, habitual, mental and anything we can quantify to support you and your practice.
It can seem like a lot but as we gradually add to your daily practice it will feel like second nature.